Thursday, October 20, 2016

Outlining is for crime scenes

Most authors are outliners. They completely plot out a novel on paper before attempting to type the actual words. I am NOT one of those authors. Outlining, for me, is as painful a process as writing a book blurb. I don't enjoy it, nor is it how my brain works. I write in scenes, usually completely out of order, then I work to mesh them together into a story.

The best plot twists for me come at night, usually right before bed. This is equal parts awesome as it is annoying. If I’m beyond exhausted and don't bother to write the idea down, it floats away never to be remembered again. But when laziness fails to win, and the words flow into my bedside notebook, it almost always results in magic. 

My process has been different for all 3 of The Deceptive Lovers Series books.

With Web of Deceit I started in the middle. I know the exact scene I needed to perfect before moving back and forth to create the story. 

With Deadly Omissions I started toward the end. Those characters spoke to me about a certain scene that had to happen in order to set up book 3, Twisted Denial, so I wrote away. 

With Twisted Denial, my current work in progress and book 3 in The Deceptive Lovers Series, I started at the beginning. I knew how Morgan's story would start and felt that needed to be established first.  Then I jumped right into the middle, which is what I’m currently working on.

There is no specific flow that I follow, but I never, ever, ever write a story in chapter order.

Moral of the story: I'm a weido writer with a wacky process.

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